Your suspicions were right.....Women are manipulative, passive-aggressive and downright evil beyond your wildest imagination!!
If you ever cross a woman, KNOW that she is methodically plotting and planning how to get your ass back, one way or ands, ifs or buts about it!
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" even Jesus Christ himself KNEW that this creature doesn't play around. Take if from one ;)
This is not something that we planned to be like, it's biology. Lets imagine early his cave. He was the hunter. He took his stick and ran around catching food for his family. Now, the woman, of course, was the gatherer....but lets expand on that thought a little...shall we?
This was not some weak little gatherer just combing the grounds looking for edibles like berries, leaves, etc....she was one cunning bitch, a hunter herself. Probably scouting food and snatching it right out from under the nose of other gatherers. She had to provide for her family too, which took manipulation, persuasive tactics and balls of steel!
Young women (younger than 20) are still naive and haven't learned all the skills that a woman in her 30's has notched on her belt. It's not until your 30's that the 'I don't f*ing think so' light bulb goes on and you speak up!
It's typical to see a young woman doing whatever a guy wants to do, to keep him happy.......but boy do the tables turn as she comes into her own being and realizes.....she has a voice! Obviously this does not apply to everyone and is just my humble opinion.
I do find it fascinating how frequently women are called jaded or bitches simply because they have an opinion and don't do whatever they're told. When naivety is out!
So, in a nutshell, you can win an argument against a woman...temporarily, but be certain she's socking that info away, far into that gelatinous mass between her ears to pull out and slam you with YEARS maybe even DECADES down the road! So in the end, you really never win. A woman forgets NOTHING. She can carry on an entire conversation with someone and be listening to your every word...... And good luck with forgiveness...that's a tough one too...simply because we never forget.
So the next time your woman asks you if her outfit makes her look fat....LIE! Tell her everything she wants to hear, because HELL NO, she doesn't want the truth!
Don't cheat........and listen to what she has to say. Seriously....doing housework is a major turn on for women! Doing the dishes and telling her to go relax..........FOREPLAY. Are you listening??
Don't try to win arguments, it's pointless. She thinks with both sides of her brain, is highly skilled in both verbal & non verbal communication, uses her sexuality like a warrior with a samurai sword and can bleed three months out of the year and not die.
Need I say more....
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